Mystery Blogger Award

Thank you Nancy and Kathleen at Graphic Novelty²  for the nomination to this creative award. Their well-written blog contains fascinating posts about comics, collectibles, movies, and other novelties that will entertain you for some time. Be sure to check them out.

Okoto Enigma, is the genius who devised the “Mystery Blogger Award.” Okoto stated that this award is for “amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.”


The truth is out there.

Three things about myself:

  1. I started this blog as a medium for analyzing books, and to develop better  writing skills. I am studying to become a historian and saw this as a way to expand my mind and writing. Plus, comic books are just awesome!
  1. I have been a fan of comic books since I was a teen but now, at 32 years old, I have developed an even deeper appreciation for them, especially graphic novels. Sadly, there is a stigma that comes with being interested in comic books that has made me feel ashamed at times. I have overcome this and embraced my interests without feeling like I have to hide them from others. Everyone deserves respect in their interests/hobbies.
  1. I reside in the nerdiest state in the Union, Utah, with my four precious children and my beautiful wife (who happens to be my Commander-n- Editor). I feel that humor should be used frequently to improve the lives of those around me and my own. I love movies, good TV shows, video games, basketball, rock ‘n roll, bluegrass, history, and finally… reading.
Stan Lee and Jer @ Salt Lake Comic Con, 2014.

Five questions from the nominee:

  1. Who would play you in the movie of your life?

If I wanted it to be a more serious movie I could see Hugh Jackman portraying my life. The humorous side of me would say that Andy Samberg would do great in that role.


  1. Where would you go if you had a two week, all expense-paid vacation to anywhere in the world?

London! So much to see and experience. Buckingham Palace, Scotland Yard aka: The Metropolitan Police Service (as a visitor not as a criminal), and Abbey Road Studios to name a few.

The Beatles at Abbey Road Studios.
  1. What do you love on your pizza? What do you absolutely LOATHE on your pizza?

I love pepperonis and spinach on my pizza. I am not a big fan of chicken bacon ranch.

  1. What would your dream job be if money wasn’t an issue?

My dream is to be a writer/filmmaker. Writing well-documented historiographies, primarily about the United States’ history, would be amazing. Making fun movies with my wife and kids would also be a blast!

  1. Who is the person who has shaped your life significantly?

My wife has played an incredible role in helping me to achieve new heights that I didn’t even know existed. She has and continues to help me gain confidence in whatever it is that I am doing. She believes in me and never doubts me which has done wonders in my life. We all deserve someone like that who truly brings us happiness.


My best post:

I feel that I really captured the imagery of Frank Miller’s Batman: Year One. It helped that this man who fights for his city in a bat costume is one of my favorite fictional characters, but the story is also very engrossing. I really enjoyed reviewing this piece of literature.   

Batman: Year One

My nominees for the Mystery Blogger Award are:


ComicSpectrum Comic Reviews

Seam Ripley

The questions you will need to answer:

  1. How do you prefer your books? Paper or electronic?
  2. Who is your favorite fictional character? Explain.
  3. What is your favorite breakfast meal?
  4. What part of the Earth would you like to explore? Oceans, mountains, cities, the stratosphere, etc?
  5. What fictional creature would you have become real? Or is it already alive despite what science says?

Here are the rules for the award:

1) Display the award logo on your blog.

2) Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

3) Mention the creator of the award and provide a link.

4) Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.

5) Answer 5 questions from the nominee.

6) Share a link to your best post(s)

7) Nominate bloggers.

8) Notify your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog.

9) Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice, including 1 weird or funny question.


Thanks for reading,


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