Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #2

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #2
Author: Kyle Higgins
Illustration: Hendry Prasetya

Digital Release: 2016
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Purchased on iBook

Our heroes find themselves in an interesting situation as they deal with the evil Rita Repulsa’s diabolical plan. Rita’s constant harassment of Tommy’s emotions goes into overdrive in this episode. She even goes as far as sending her most ruthless minion, Scorpina, into Tommy’s home in an attempt to capture his power coin and stir him up to anger.

It’s Morphin’ Time!

This comic follows the events of Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #0 and #1 and was very enjoyable to read. The action is epic and the story never lags. It shows a very vulnerable side to Tommy as he is confronted in his very own bedroom by a villain, which requires him to quickly grab onto the intruder and teleport them to a vacant area so his mother doesn’t see what is going on. Billy shows a different side of himself as he confides in Trini that he feels powerless compared to Jason and Tommy and their backgrounds with martial arts. Trini reminds him that he is qualified to be a Ranger due to his incredible knowledge of fixing things. They have this conversation while in the Dragonzord which is buried in the ocean. It makes for some cool artwork.

The Dragonzord under the sea.

Jason is keeping busy in this comic with teaching his martial arts class. Kimberly has a small conversation about her concern for Tommy and she has some cool fight scenes with the Putties after morphing into the Pink Ranger. Zach shows up as Jason and Kimberly rescue Tommy from Scorpina and plenty of Putties. After the battle, Tommy seems broken by all of the harassment and snaps at his teammates. The story ends with so many questions, which is good, because it will make you want to read the next story.

Blade Blasters Up!

The short story at the end, The Ongoing Adventures of Bulk & Skull, is a good one. The two goofs have somehow captured a Putty and will attempt to make it look like they are going to fight it just so they can impress some girls. It is pretty funny.


The Pros: The number one thing that I keep bringing up is the fabulous artwork this series has to offer. The sharks swimming around Dragonzord, Tommy appearing as the Green Ranger, Scorpina, and the other Rangers in their suits just look amazing.

The Cons: Not enough explosions.

No one could ever take them down. The Power lies on their side.

Jer gives it 4/5.

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